Can't even be bothered to come up with a quote. by Kara
Yesterday, I'd had trouble booting up Komatsu (my desktop computer at home), but a reboot fixed it, and I had no more issues during the day. Also did a cursory check essentially made me figure it'd been a virus or something and my virus-checker had cleared it. Fine, great.
This morning, same thing. It's okay, I'll just reboot.
And reboot.
And reboot.
And reboot.
About the time I was supposed to be at work (I live half an hour away), I gave up. I mean, it's fine, really. I usually back stuff up on Chisaki (my laptop), but we have a couple of urgent issues:
1. Access to a scanner is now half an hour from home.
So today I work through lunch, leave early to get over to the grandparents' house, get drawing and lettering on what I can while I wait for the Co-Writer to actually find and read my panicked e-mail, and then get to that as well.
This is not to say that things won't update. Things will update. I don't let it not happen. I've lost a lot of other stuff that's theoretically replaceable (if you don't count some really old art), but it's the present and near future I'm worried about at the moment. Between this and the masquerade fiasco this weekend, the only reason I haven't broken down crying at this point is because there are people nearby.
Oh, nope, there I go.
If you have been ... whatever.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 8:11 AM
The term 'boned' was created just for times like this.
2. I'm going to a show tomorrow night and thus need to get a large batch of comics done in advance.
3. My next four Kalibourne scripts are on Komatsu, and I hadn't had a chance to back them up last night because I was hit by some pretty heavy medical none-of-your-business in the middle of things and had to go to bed.