'I, TOO, am a twin!' by Kara
Monday, January 19, 2009 at 9:11 AM

First off, the Stig's identity has been revealed. (Note: the link doesn't tell you his name or give his pic, but there's a link within it you can follow if you'd like to see.) I guess this means they hafta get a new one?

Well, I'm an ill little child today, which you may have seen elsewhere. I woke up Sunday morning of MarsCon not feeling well ... not a hangover, I don't get those. No. Stuffy head, sore throat, and general germiness. It got worse as the day went on, but I wanted to see people, and I figured I was probably just tired. So I went on, got breakfast with (most of) Luna-C, hit the dealers' room, then spent a pleasant fake-drunken hour or two playing Red Dragon Inn. After that, my party split up, and I skipped the errands I was going to run so I could hurry back home.

Once I hit the flat, where I planned to clean up and spend a bit of quiet time with either ICO or the last of the Dark Tower books, the germs finally won and I ended up spending the evening staring at all the shows I hadn't had a chance to watch over the weekend. And then finally gave up and went to bed.

This morning, I'm working at home, and it's not because I'm feeling too sick to go anywhere. (I do, but it's never stopped me before.) It's mainly because I don't want to get anyone in the office sick. At least I got rest ... and while I still feel like crap, I'm going to force some breakfast into me before long and start getting to work on all the wonderful stuff waiting for me since Friday.

If you have been, blurgh.

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