'... from now on, I will only eat land fish.' by Kara
Friday, January 16, 2009 at 9:13 AM

Oh for fucksake.

I don't think I'll make it through the weekend alive if I don't post poll results before I go.

If you cosplayed, which ConScrew character would you cosplay?

First: I wouldn't, I'd prefer to sit back and watch the inevitable chaos. -- 14%
Second: Mimi/Ziggy -- 11%
Third: Hiru/Yourself if you've appeared in the comic -- 9%

Adrian -- 3%
Mona -- 3%
Gavin -- 3%

Uncreativity Penalty: Asking me to draw a certain character or character type in so you could cosplay them. Again, I lose points for not realising how obvious that'd be, so I'll share a -25 with ya.


* 'Subops. Both of them. Simultaneously. For seafoam green JUSTICE!': +10. Do it.

* 'Emmy cosplaying Hiru - double crossplay and a katana to boot!': I'd have to see pics first ... I mean, pics of you personally ... before I could give or take points. Hm.

* 'I didn't appear but I share the same name and (technical) geographic location as Carolyn "Princess Sailormoon" so I guess I'd be obligated to go as her.': Holy crap. See, Carolyn was named after my great aunt (who grew up with my grandmother in Texas). But she's dead ... are you a ghost? Because clearly there are no other Carolyns in Texas ...

* 'If Cross-play wasn't quite so ill-advised, It'd be fun to do Mercedes.': +10 for not going with the obvious follow-up to 'fun to do Mercedes.'

* 'The weird uncle. (so write him in!)': I will make an exception to the Uncreativity Penalty for this one. +5 on principle.

Correct Answer: 'Mimi's Brain. Which, after all the abuse she has given it, I expect to be vacationing somewhere tropical.'

Here. Poll. I gots things to do before MarsCon this afternoon. If you have been, omagaw.

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