'Need a rant title.' 'Any luck?' 'Nope.' by Kara
Oh, and wonder of wonders, the cable/net guy actually showed up on time, so I'm internetted at home. Thank God. There are a few of us that cannot go without Top Gear for very long.
So yeah. Thanks again to The Co-Writer with the Longest Hair, Jon, and Dan for helping out. I paid them with pizza and booze (and I still owe someone for the truck tune-up, but I've found my chequebook, so I can!!!), but there is really no possible paying-back I can do, because that was a huge deal.
I have a reading suggestion for manga-peeps, which is Baby Birth. I got volumes 1 and 2 (which is, sadly, the whole thing) in a grab bag at Nekocon, and I knew immediately that I'd like it when I saw Mikimoto's artwork on the cover. The art's beautiful, the characters are intriguing, and the story's great, albeit a little rushed (through no fault of its own ... I'll take what I can get, but I'd love to see an extended series). Pick it up and read it. Just do.
If you have been, owwie.
Monday, December 15, 2008 at 2:36 PM
Yeah, ranting late. I'm not tired per se. Well, I am ... but I can't really say that I'm more tired than anyone who helped me move yesterday. I did dashing around, but they did the hard work (i.e. putting up with me), besides furniture-moving and stuff-hooking-upping. Not everything's out of the old place. I've gotta clear stuff out of the closets and clean the place up before I give my key back ... but I'll use this coming weekend to do that.