'You haven't seen true beauty 'til you've seen the world through club soda.' by Kara
Friday, May 30, 2008 at 9:17 AM

Yeah, yeah. Here's the poll back. Thanks for being patient while I worked out the technical glitches ... erm, those of you who were patient. Anyone who wasn't ... um ... fail? Maybe? I used up my witty for the day already.

Caramelldansen? (Come on, be a dear and Google it.)

First: I should hate it but ... can't ... help ... myself .... -- 4%
Second: Was amused, but it's old now. / Only the metal version. -- 6%
Third: Love it! / HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT / Still didn't Google it. -- 3$

Uncreativity Penalty: 'I liked it until I saw ...' Again, legit, but common, so -20. Another -20 for 'It would've been better if ...' Same deal. (It hurts me more than it hurts you, O uncreative ones.) Also, anyone who bugged me about it gets a -10 for each time they did. You must learn patience, children.


* '*twitch twitch twitch* Ok, not QUITE as addictive as Oshiri Kajiri Mushi but still up there.' -- Good God, I saw this and it's even weirder. I'm not sure what to do about points here. Have a cookie while I think about it.

* 'Great with karamellpudding.' -- +20, I like pudding.

* 'Personally, I can't decide which is worse: dansen or being rickrolled, but I'll admit the lupin with all his outfits one is impressive. However, I trump it with one. Simple. Name... Doraemon.' -- Eh, -5 for it being a rather boring one (I personally like the ones where multiple characters show up), but you get a +25 back because you put in the HTML code for me. Niiiice.

Correct Answer: 'Only if Lupin is wearing ALL of his outfits.'

Okay, okay. If you have been, shaddap.

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