ETA by Kara
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 11:39 AM

As several people have asked, the fourth rule on the list is 'No heckling.'

'Ninjin loves you yay!' by Kara
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 9:16 AM

Well, I've been hanging on to this, but I think it's time to give my 'review' (as such) of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. And don't worry, it's not full of vitriol, because I actually thought it was okay.

But just okay.

And I'm going to try to explain without spoilers, just in case some of you haven't seen it and/or just figured out in this sort of Racer X = Rex sort of way where you just kinda know what's up.

The general format and structure and things of it were good. It was an adventure, things went boom, there was fighting, and enough backwards references (and references to other things) to make me giggle every once in a while. What a coup, for one thing, casting John Hurt in that role where he kept coming face-to-face with that skull. I snickered.

My problem -- and a problem a few people had -- was with the 'subplot.' That's the part I'm not going to go into, because apparently it's an OMGSOOPRIZE. But it was handled so oddly ... even though I could see that they were going for mirroring a point in an earlier movie, and that would've been neat. But it almost felt like they couldn't decide whether they still wanted that subplot in or not.

See, it coulda been great. My Weird Uncle pointed out that one little line in the beginning (again, won't even hint at it) could have brought the whole thing together. But the whole thing seemed like an afterthought. My feeling? Play it up or just keep the character around without needing an excuse.

Okay, that's done. Other than that, let's see ... first off, I'm sick of all the complaints about the negative representation of Communists. Guys. Right at the beginning of the movie. Check out the year this took place. 1957. Yes. It is going to have the sensibilities of a 1950's film. Indiana Jones has always had the sensibilities of a period movie. Of course Communists are gonna be depicted in a less-than-flattering light (and yes, that is an understatement). I'm not going to tell modern Russians not to be offended -- you can be offended by whatever you please, and while I'm personally offended by very little, the things that do truly bother me can be a little weird. But yes. That was the mindset of the time, love it or loathe it, and considering Commie scum is represented by Cate Blanchett with perfect fscking hair, imagine how gorgeous civilian Communists must have been.

Yeah, that was also pretty freaking amazing. Gunfights, sword fights, fist fights, bloody lips, ants, explosions ... and her hair was forever perfect. What the hell does she use?

So final ruling: it was fun. But it wasn't Last Crusade. And it wasn't what I was all pumped about. It was a fun afternoon out, woulda been more fun with a crowd. It had all the sensibilities of the original movies, but I really expected more of these scriptwriters.

One final blip that my fans will love. If you haven't guessed, the 'crystal skull' in the movie is something vaguely paranormal. (Ark of the Covenant? Holy Graal?) Sasuga ne Indiana Jones. As I was leaving the theatre, I saw an older lady in front of me turn to her husband and say, 'What was that all about? Indiana Jones isn't supposed to have sci-fi stuff in it!'


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