'I must write on panties!!!' by Kara
Friday, May 9, 2008 at 6:06 AM

I think I've almost made up for my lost sleep. I was, however, woken up by a massive storm last night. Not the thunder, but the rain. I like thunder so long as it's not knocking things off the shelves, but right now rain gets me out of bed because I wake up instinctively to go get buckets for the leaks that maintenance hasn't seen fit to fix.

What do you do if your favourite character in a book/show/movie/etc. dies?

First: If it was relevant to the plot, it's fine. -- 29%
Second: Stop reading/watching / Something about getting your own character killed in games or something. / I just like watching the body count go up. -- 5%
Third: Whine and bitch. / Eh, it's not real life. / I've never had a favourite character die. -- 2%

Uncreativity Penalty: -5 to anything involving characters defying death. Ah, well. See, if someone had listed their favourite character as Death from Discworld, which is a variant of that, they would've gotten the correct answer. Also, -10 to everyone who said they'd threaten or 'chat with' the author until they set things right.


* 'I used to 'pour a 40' for my dear departed homies, but after watching Legend of the Galactic Heros, I got a letter from the EPA telling me to stop because it was damaging the Chesapeake ecosystem.': +20, drunken fish; -10, damaging the Bay, because that's where my favourite food lives.

* 'Get mad, burn my pajamas with the shows logo on it, hold a grudge for years until I forget why the show pissed me off, watch the show again, then get pissed off when Roy dies and take it like a man this time and get over myself.': +10 for very good taste in sh- Wait, pajamas? -5 for burning them instead of (washing them and) giving them to me!

* 'Make lobscouse, raise the dirge, and pour a libation in memory (not too much, though, got to have leftovers for the wake.)': +10 for scouse, and as there's actually two people this could be, I'm not claiming anything.

* 'Something along the lines of saying, "Well... crap." cause that's what I did when I watched [spoiler] for the first time.': +15 because me, too.

* 'Characters can never die, because they are immoralized in fiction. :D': Okay, I know you went back and tried to spellcheck yourself, but I like this version better, so you get a +10 for it.

* 'Stop watching at episode 4 if it's [spoiler], or episode 8 if it's [spoiler]....or Finish up all of [spoiler]...Oh wait...EVERYONE dies there!': You are the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair, and I claim my five pounds. Also, I hope you're lying about those first two shows, maybe because I can't have you stop watching at episode 26 (of 110) when I start you on [spoiler].

Correct Answer: 'Be amazed that the writer is willing to do something drastic in favour of keeping the story interesting. Just beacuse a character is a "main" character, does not mean they are immune to death effects.'

Back to work. I've got crap to do. If you have been, uwah!

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