'Thermodynamics is a bitch.' by Kara
Monday, April 7, 2008 at 6:30 AM

The Co-Writer with the Longest Hair and I had a conversation (i.e., thirty seconds in the car outside Dairy Queen the other day) about 'backpedaling.' I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

It's nice when people share my opinions on things. Er, rather, it's nice when people share my opinions on things when they really do. But honestly, I'm perfectly happy to be disagreed with on things -- whether a movie sucks, whether this restaurant is particularly good (unless it gives me food poisoning), etc. That's what makes people people.

What bugs the hell out of me is when someone says something to me, I disagree, and suddenly when just a moment ago they'd been so vehement about the opposite, they backpedal and agree with me.

Is it really so fearsome to disagree with me?

Fortunately, and oddly enough, my actual good friends don't do this. I suppose some people think friends just unconditionally like the same stuff. But I have no trouble bitching at the CWwtLH because he thinks the second half of Kill Bill is better than the first (retard!), or at various Doctor Who-loving friends because I think that the '96 movie was a bit good in spite of its flaws. I'd far sooner that than have them go, 'Oh, well, you know, when I said I didn't like that, I guess I don't mean entirely, I mean, I see your point, in fact ...'

It's when someone does something like that that I get seriously turned off. I mean, that's a crawl. Why do I deserve a crawl? Don't do or not do something because I say so! Live your own lives! (To paraphrase Stephen Fry because I can't be arsed to look up the proper wording.)

I swear, me liking you is not any sort of prize.

If you have been, I had no idea!

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