'Excuse me, I have to go unload my daughter.' by Kara
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 6:02 AM

Yes, yes. I did something weird to you here. Duh. I do that. I'm part of that Evil Webcomickers' Society that doesn't exist.

At all.

I've been getting a shorter and shorter fuse lately. Seriously. Things in my life just sort of happening that seem to be getting together behind my back and going, 'Okay, let's see how long 'til she cracks.'* I mean, besides shit happening to my friends (which is bad enough), now it's happening to me. First off, the arsejackal who rear-ended me on the highway on Monday. Then the food poisoning which actually was food poisoning, since I had the sense to see a doctor. Fortunately, I seem to have gotten over that.

I actually don't know what I'm getting around to here. I mean, short of griping. Which may quite well be enough.

Oh, oops. I'll put up the donation papers today.

If you have been, do it today!

* I do not actually believe this.

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