'You can't beat four gay men in pink sparkly cummerbunds singing "There Is Nothing Like a Dame."' by Kara
Okay, THIS year what should Kara get for her birthday?
First: World domination -- 10%
Uncreativity Penalty: Ah, it's my birthday. Or it was. My present to you is no uncreativity penalty.
* 'A flat closer to work and in a better neighbourhood.': +10 if that's a genuine suggestion; -10 if you come over regularly and just don't like my bathroom fan and that one scruffy cat who keeps jumping out of the dumpster.
* 'Zero fees for all the cons that she wants to attend for the rest of her life, free room and board for said cons, reassurence that she has better directional skills then Ryoga Hibiki, and a 03-K64 Firefly-class mid-bulk transport with a standard radion accelerator core.': It may not be the correct answer, but it's a damn good one, so +50.
* 'An ACME(TM) Portable Wave Motion Gun. Because some things (paperwork, status Hummers, congoers who don't bathe, etc.) are better off obliterated.': +15, destruction.
* 'Grilled venison strip loin with roasted pears, braised kale, semolina gnocchi and fennel seed jus. For an app, anyway...': +25. Anyone who needs to know why is a heathen.
* 'Obviously, she should get CAKE...with two cups rhubarb, sliced. Two slash three cups granulated rhubarb. One tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb. One teaspoon grated orange rhubarb. Three tablespoons rhubarb, on fire. One large rhubarb. One cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb. Two tablespoons...': +10, CAKE!!!!!
* 'A PATLABOR mecha with HyperOS': +25. See venison answer.
Correct Answer: 'a Tardis...that _looks_ like a Sileighty.'
And that's how it is. Also, this week's poll is such a cop-out, but I'm tired. If you have been, don't look at me!
Friday, February 29, 2008 at 7:39 AM
Well, on the bright side, the Shoutbox is really active lately ...
Second: A Sileighty / A shelving unit for all her toys -- 7%
Third: A mecha / socks -- 5%