'Quite a risk, isn't it, asking rock stars if they'd like to do ten lines?' by Kara
Have you been sick so far this winter?
First: Just a little, nothing I couldn't handle. -- 28%
I've been sick constantly. -- 5%
Uncreativity Penalty: ... you kids are getting good.
* 'If it doesn't put me in the hospital, then it's not an illness! (thus, no, not been sick)': +10 for bein' a trooper.
* 'I have the immune system of Wolverine.': +15 if I can get in touch with you ... I have the learning skills of Rogue.
* 'I've had a somewhat recursive plague of plagues': +20 pity-points ... I sympathize. A lot.
* 'Constant flulike symptoms. Depression, lack of alcohol. And then there are the hentai withdrawals.': +50. Figure out how to convert those into these alleged Karabucks so you can buy yourself some gin and Bible Black.
Correct Answer: 'Damn it, Voted earlier last week, was not sick then, Sick NOW. the poll jinked me!!'
(Because the poll is just that powerful.)
If you have been, bless you.
Friday, January 25, 2008 at 6:42 AM
Handbasket, please.
Second: Just once, but it was brutal. / Actually, I'm sick right now. -- 12%
Third: Not at all! / A few minor things. -- 8%
Requisite joke playing upon various meanings of 'sick.' -- 2%