'Well, let's just say it's not called an Adios My Friend.' by Kara
Thing being, I'm working on something of a decent-sized commission that needs to be done this week. Hopefully I'll finish it today or tomorrow, and when it's up where it needs to be, I'll let everyone see it.
Also, if you haven't seen it, Christmas special. Go get Week 1.
This weather is playing lovely merry hell with me. I mean, seriously. First it's 70, now it's back down to snowy temperatures. I can't be doing with this. Big weather changes make me sleepy, so I've been oversleeping and/or overnapping a lot. Part of the reason I'm behind on all this side stuff. Drinking a lot more tea now, though. I mean, I've got shopping and gift-making to do, too.
Speaking of which ... if you have been, I'm off.
Monday, December 4, 2006 at 9:17 AM
Okay, the ConScrew and Sticky Wicket December donation wallpapers are up. Kalibourne and Blacklight coming shortly.