'Maybe it's because I'm female and jaded.' 'That's you, dear.' by Kara
8.30-10.00 PM: Classic Anime -- in Yokohama (Panels 2)
Not sure what other panels I'm doing with Anime-Classic, and Lister has talked of reeling me into some webcomic panels ... so basically swing by my table and ask me what's up. Should be able to help you. Will also have books and things with me.
Which annoying recurring chant at cons is most in need of being destroyed with fire?
First: Chair -- 24%
Huzzah -- 2%
Not a chant, but Kiss Me/Glomp Me signs are getting an honourary 7% also, putting it in a three-way tie with the other Third Place winners.
* 'Either "Yaoi!" or "Take it off!" Or both regarding the same person(s)...God, my poor retinas...': +10 and +10, both lovely points
* '"Dance!" poor MCs...forced to show thier lack of DDR skillz': +20 on behalf of the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair, who will probably appreciate the sympathy.
* 'Ninja/Pirate. Nearly lost one con its location.': +50 for pirates, -50 for ninjas
* 'Tell us the eyepatch story': I dunno what I should do about this. I mean, anything overused is annoying, but this is an old Doctor Who thing ...
* 'Who says it has to be a chant? Why not all of those congoers that y'know don't remember the basic tenents of modern hygine be destroyed with fire! It is not the middle ages for bugs sake. Soap, it's good for you - and you might attract members of the oppiste sex if you us it too. Or ManFaye...': -40, Man-Faye
(Sigh ... I do not hate Man-Faye. I'm just frightened of hairy arses.)
* 'Stall....dear God ...STALL!!!': -30 for bringing back old memories of the one time I hosted a cosplay.
* 'Burn whatever you like, but wouldent it be better to start your OWN con chant "kalibourne!" anyone?': -10 ... the idea of starting a con chant appalls me. Even if it'd get me readers. I weep.
* 'KUROUDO!': I'm actually claiming ten pounds off this one, because you're Mike. (Incidentally, that's a reference to Cloud, if you can't read the accent.)
Correct Answer: 'Your site has been hacked by...'
Speaking of which, one of the things I'm trying to do frantically at the last minute is fix the remaining important bits of the site. The forum will most likely not be fixed 'til next week. Sorry. You can always carry on discussion on the conscrew LJ community.
If you have been, DANCE!!!
Friday, November 17, 2006 at 7:39 AM
In a minor frenzy to get things done. I expect to roll into AUSA no later than 3 PM, and will be in Artist Alley 'til my panels later this evening. Tonight --
11.30 PM-2.30 AM: God Mars commentary live -- in Kamakura (Panels 3)
Second: Marco Polo -- 15%
Third: Cucumber/Poison Gas -- 7% each (Dude, 'Poison Gas' was about six years ago ... you people are old!)