'God Noodle? He's eating GOD NOODLE??' by Kara
Friday, August 11, 2006 at 7:49 AM

So it was hot, and now the rain's made things chilly. Not that I mind, of course.

Today's is a combination of things that bug my aunt and myself. As I have said many time ... yes, I know Japan is full of pervs. America is full of pervs, too -- their deviance is just a bit (okay, very) different. When told once that I need to see Lost in Translation ('OMG YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT??????????' Shut up.) because it would change my opinion of Japan, I said, 'No, if anything, from what I've heard it will reinforce my opinion of Japan.'

Hey, hentai is popular over here, too. The salarymen ain't the only ones.

Now. Although it's not relevant anymore (here, at any rate).

Hot enough for you?

First: Yes - 24%
No: 7%

Now, before I start, I should explain the 'five pounds.' This is how I get points ... or, rather, money. If it's obvious to me whom a response is from, I claim five pounds. (It's originally from a British newspaper contest in the 1920s.)


* 'No, I like to have the sweat drip down the crack of my ass like Niagara.': +50, Robin-sama (I should dock points because you all probably know it's an easy A, but hey).

* 'no, I still had to turn the kiln on for the pottery.': You are my aunt, and I claim my five pounds.

* 'Anyone caught outside sietch without a stillsuit will be killed.': +20, Dune.

* 'You have no idea of what hot is, currently serving my county in a very hot, far away place to keep you all safe and sound.': Requisite +20 for the troops, but -10 ... I asked if it was hot enough for you, goof.

* '*Wishes vainly for an evil, ghostlike Rei apparition to come touch my forhead in the hopes that the transubstantiaion from human to Tang™ would provide an evaporative cooling effect.': +10, freaky Eva.

* 'As soon as constuction is completed on my secret volcano base, I shall see about destroying this infernal heat!': -50 ... it's not a secret anymore!!!

* 'Hot...No, hell apears to have frozen over...since I'm watching reality TV...*sigh*': You are the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair, and I claim my five pounds.

* 'Nope, need another 10 degrees': +10, hardcore

* 'Outside yes, but I am inside with my loving video game consoles and computer and TV and cats and welcome visitors for refreshing mojitos': -10 for not cutting me off a piece of that, but +10 back for mo-HEE-tos ...

* 'My liver is no longer blue, but an unfortunate parboiled red, and the beautiful alcohol is just sweating through the skin instead of keeping my liver that lovely shade of blue.': You are (obviously) the Co-Writer with the Bluest Liver, and I claim my five pounds.

* 'Not 'til it's hot enough to boil a monkey's bum, your Majesty!!': +10 ... what was that from again? I heard once that the PM said it.

* 'It's as hot as Reika in a bikini.': Ohhh, you Reika fans ... +25, Kalibourne

Correct Answer (Worth +100): 'Needs more cowbell.'

If you have been, get used to it.

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