'So what AM did THIS happen at?' '........... 3.' by Kara
Friday, July 28, 2006 at 8:07 AM

I've sent out all the donation gifts so far ... still lots of people signed up, but not the little offers completed. If you signed up for one, and especially if you've already been charged for it, please e-mail me. Sometimes the completed offers don't show up on my little page, and I also know that sometimes it takes awhile to register. But if it's been like two weeks ... that's something I need to check into.

Two left. Want 'em? They're pretty.

Received an e-mail earlier offering me kara.com for the low, low price of $30k ... 'It receives 100 to 150 visits every day. [God, I don't want to dock my readership that much.] Which means these people go right to there internet browser and type in Kara.com. [Probably because up until recently it was a porn site. Also, can't spell, you lose.] They could even be looking for your business since its a similar domain name. [No it isn't.]

Gah ... I wonder if people actually do that.


What is the funniest animal in the world?

First: Penguin -- 12%
Second: Otter -- 9%
Third: Puffin -- 7%

Lemur -- 6%
Guinea pig / Moose -- 1% each
Cow / Monkey -- No votes


* 'Humans. No other creature will have huge bloody wars over whose imaginary friend is real.": -20, take it to sociology
* 'Thunderstroke the One-Legged Donkey': -10, a Google search shows that there is no such animal
* 'Platypus, proof that whoever or whatever or however this existence was created has a hell of a sense of humor. I mean come on! It has a duckbill, webbed feet, a beaver tail, fur, lays eggs and has poison?!?! *collapses in a fit of laughter and hyperventilates*: +20, platypus; +10, remembering the bit about the poison
* 'Dik-Dik': +5 for sounding dirty
* 'squirrels and are most wanted as jerky.': -20, SQUIRRELS ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS
* 'Vermicious knid': +25, Wonka
* 'akidna': -50, can't fscking spell echidna
* 'The one that maims the idiotic redneck who provoked it on one of those 'When Animals Attack' shows...': +50, those are awesome
* 'The Humu-humu-nuku-nuku-apua'a.': +10, and +5 more if you can tell me what everyone outside Hawai'i calls them
* 'how could you not have the platapus?!': -10, that's why I have an Other box; -30, can't spell
* 'A Cat-Mouse...especially when drunk': You are Mich, and I claim my five pounds
* 'That "devil duck of doom" whose fossil they unearthed in Australia': A Google search turned up this, which is awesome, so +75 (and yeah, that's what they're calling it. Nifty, huh?)

Correct Answer: 'Cats that have been trained to do tricks.'

That's all from here for today. If you have been, tart yourself up.

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