'Whip me, beat me, call me Lorraine!' by Kara
So I've switched out my traditional English Breakfast with some lemon-ginger tea. I'd sort of like to hibernate a bit, but that's not gonna do anyone any good.
The Co-Writer with the Bluest Liver has taken her inaugural ride on The Curse of DarKastle (the Official Obsessive Ride of ConScrew.com). I heard there are lots of upgrades this year, and apparently they're incredibly good. When it's open to the general public, I tend to abuse it like crazy. Main thing: I hope they've fixed the sound. It was a bit uneven depending on wher you were sitting. I want my eardrums to be blasted out.
And yep, time for Mimi's version of events. Where will it differ? Well, I promise you it'll only be partially in pink.
If you have been, put it back where you found it.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 7:59 AM
The weather is having its nasty, sordid way with me. It's not the temperature I mind - it's the temperature shift. Going into the sushi restaurant sweltering, eating dinner, and coming out of it wishing I'd brought a jacket. It's true ... if you don't like the weather in Virginia, wait five minutes.