'I'll be your lightning rod of hate!' by Kara
And yes, that would be why I was asking for ideas awhile back.
Just to make things clear - the stuff in here was written in one night, and nothing was edited. Due to the shortness of the 'story,' I may throw some more together to stick towards the end. Again, I won't edit in any way. Of course, there's really no way to prove to you that I write/wrote these on the spur of the moment, except possibly their lack of wit.
The Christmas gallery is still running. This is really something of an endurance test for me. Starting very soon, I'll be doing a full seven comics a week, with a bit of overlap as Wicket ends and YHK begins. So possibly about nine. This weekend, I did about fourteen, counting the Christmas pics. So it would seem I'm a bad enough dude
Speaking of which, Kalibourne starts two weeks from tomorrow. Wicket doesn't cut off there, so you Tuesday/Saturday readers will have a bit more to do in the morning. Kali will update three times a week, however.
Oh, you'll get the hang of it. And it'll only be for a little while, anyway.
Monday, December 19, 2005 at 6:54 AM
Now you see why I consider this 'experimental'?
to rescue the President to do these comics.