Second ... yep. In typical Emmy fashion, decisions and revelations come on the run and over the shoulder. I'm wondering how many people are happy about this. But I will say now that this is, in fact, the end of Emmy and Adrian together. Is it the beginning of Mimi and Adrian? Ain't telling you. If I just told you flat-out, I wouldn't have to draw anything.
Saaaay ...
Wait, no. Bad Kara. That's not nice of me at all.
Three, in this bizarre climate, here is a great way to keep track of the weather.
Okay, finally, book recommendations. Yeah, books. You know, the papery things held together with paper or glue or whatever. Two suggestions.
One, if you're even remotely interested in mystery, pick up anything from the Richard Jury series by Martha Grimes. The reason I don't really bother with any mystery series anymore is because the characters just ain't interesting, and I'm not going to follow characters in a series who ain't interesting, no matter how fascinating the whodunit-ness may be. Then I read The Man with a Load of Mischief and I'm afraid I'm in love with Inspector Jury. I'm sorry, all other fictional crushes. It's not you, it's me. But I hope we can still be friends.
Two, the Haruhi Suzumiya series. Yes, there are online translations, but the first two books have come out in paperback. If you've seen the series, you'll probably notice that the anime is a direct freaking adaptation of the books, at least so far. The official translations are actually quite good, and they leave the interior illustrations in. The paperbacks change the covers and put the originals in the back with other colour illustrations, but the hardbacks keep the original lovely cover art. So far The Melancholy and The Sigh are the only ones out, but maybe if people buy them they'll translate more.
I've done my bit. If you have been, they always do.
'The night ended with a lot of tears and everyone singing along to Willenium.' by Kara
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 10:07 AM
First off, new Sarah Yoshida for your eye-candy pleasure. JR Horse will be running a contest where you can win some fabulous prizes, so stay tuned. I'll be sure to link and promote so all my lovely readers can take part.