'Why is there a tiger on its chest?' 'Cuz ... it looks cool.' by Kara
Friday, February 20, 2009 at 9:54 AM

Still not mentally primed for being funny, but if I don't do it you'll kill me (I've already gotten complaints). So ...

Do you listen to the radio?

First: Just in the car or at work. -- 13%
Second: Yes -- 7%
Third: iPod replaced that. / Internet replacted that. -- 4%

Not since video killed the radio star: 3%
Only news: 1%

Uncreativity Penalty: Rewriting lyrics. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. But I'll only take a -1.


* 'I don't just listen--I host a J-rock/pop show every Saturday at 2pm central. Yay college radio!': How about pimpage instead of points? I find pimpage to pay for itself in the long run.

* 'I miss Allen Funt and Candid Microphone...': Oh, God, I caught an episode of Candid Microphone the night before Katsucon. They slipped Red Skelton in at the end as a fake victim. It was pretty fantastic. Oh, right, +10.

* 'I miss Art Bell, he was like the National Enquirer of AM radio.': Art Bell was fantastic. At least the website is still cool. +20 for good taste.

* 'I just call (718) 387-6962': That'd be Dial-a-Song, for the uninitiated. +5 for that.

* 'Didn't you hear? They've got radio in video games now!': Wow. Sorry, too stunned to give you points. That's just ... wow.

* 'I listen to the secret government broadcasts I recieve on my braces. Does that count?': I listen to Morse code picked up by the antennae on my Mikoto wig. So all fair. +20, but -1 for misspelling 'receive.' Tsk.

* 'That's the thing! The television without pictures...right?': +15 for allowing me to quote Robin-sama: 'Your mom and I used to get stoned and watch the radio!'

* 'I am the voice of Radio Free Arcadia. -- See above with pimpage vs. points. May it serve you well.

* 'Can't...hear...radio...over...Atom's...air...intake...': +10 if you are an alien!!!

* 'When something is so outdated it doesn't even get stolen out of cars anymore I think its time to give up.': +5 pity-points.

Correct Answer: 'Why should I? It never listens to me.'

The response I assume to be from the Weird Uncle also gets points on the sly. Neeheehee. I'm just gonna let everyone wonder.

I'm in a hurry. If you have been, shhhhh!

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