'And when I say "inflatable guinea pig," it's not what you think.' by Kara
Friday, December 19, 2008 at 9:54 AM

My Weird Uncle and Auntie D are going away for Christmas, curse them. Hopefully I'll see them before they go.

I'll just leave this here.

What's your favourite SEASONAL (happy, non-Christians/ non-Jews?) candy?

First: I'm diabetic, you fucker! / Marzipan pigs: 11%
Second: Chocolate orange: 7%
Third: Chocolate coins: 4%

Uncreativity Penalty: -1 for peppermint pigs, but -20 for me not thinking of putting that up there.


* 'maple-sugar shapes. Mmm, sugar...': +10 for straight sugar.

* 'Home made chocolate fudge. Shall I send you the recipe?': +50 if you do.

* 'I remember my Grandmother, back while she was alive, use to make rum balls, just for me. She used jack for them instead of Rum. mmmmmm Each one equivalent to a shot.': I am not nearklym drunk enough tom give you points.

* 'I am torn between my beloved chocolate covered cherries and REAL (as in I just made it from scratch) gingerbread. Sadly, I have been cherry-less for a few years now (Damn Japanese Christmases!) but I've been a lovin the gingerbread.': Mm ... now I'm hungry ... I should dock you points for that, but +15 for tasty.

* 'Candy Corn, it never goes out of season': Truth! +25!

* 'The fruit my mom still puts in the toe of my christmas stocking. She still does it as a reminder that something doesn't have to cost a lot to make you feel loved.': Awwww. Is it a satsuma? +50 if it is, +15 even if it's not.

*'Lemon flavored snowcones': WTF, man. -20

Correct Answer: 'I'm gonna go the other direction and just rail against chocolate-mint and fruit-flavored candy canes. My god those are awful.'

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