'.... ELVIS DIDN'T DO NO DRUGS!!!!' by Kara
Monday, October 27, 2008 at 11:02 AM

Okay, today's main job is big pimpin'.

Bryan Prindiville, artist extraordinaire, basset-owner, and all-around cool dude, has a new project called Broken Muzzle for your reading pleasure.

It is my responsibility to inform you that that comic contains adult content. However, this comic also contains (less) adult content, so if you're here, I'm going to assume you're a legal adult and can thus handle it. (This, of course, clearly constitutes lying to myself.)

Well, got to slide into Howl-O-Scream this year at the last minute, and it was -- as I expected -- brilliant. I am happy and relieved that this weekend finally happened. Fingers crossed now that it can happen again, what with all this inBev nonsense going on. On the bright side, it hasn't gone through yet, Anheuser-Busch shareholders haven't voted yet, and everyone's talking like next season will be just the same as this one.

I really, really hope so. Because H-O-S is just an annual reminder of how awesome Busch Gardens can be. Like we need a reminder.

If you have been, awwwwwwww.

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