'It's moist ... it's light ... it's delicious ... I'm a hula hoop!' by Kara
Monday, October 20, 2008 at 10:25 AM

It's cold and I'm happy. I'm happy it's cold. I'll be even happier when I get used to the cold, but that shouldn't take long. Just gotta plug my electric blanket back in and put some warm-makers under the various animal cages. And invest in soup and hot chocolate.

This weekend the last episode of Kamen no Maid Guy came out, and it was just as pointless as I thought. Made for fans of the manga (which is still running) and, while diverting for non-fans, a bit of a let-down. I could complain about wanting that time back, but it at least served some purpose. There was one more skit at AUSA that made some sense to me because I'd seen it.

Now. Let me explain something to you all. The Co-Writer with the Longest Hair has been trying to come down here for six weeks. Six. Fucking. Weeks. I have never seen anything so bloody ridiculous.

First, he had graduation for his red belt. This is good. Then he had to work the next weekend. That was bad. Then he was sick. That was also bad. Then was Anime USA. That was ... decent. This past weekend he was even sicker. That was worse.

Why has he been fighting his way down? Well, it's certainly not for my sparkling wit and enchanting company -- we're just trying to get him back to Busch Gardens before it closes for the season and falls into the hands of inBev. And I've completely lost all hope of that. Why? Because this is THE LAST WEEKEND.

I have no idea if he's sick today or just working hard to make up for two sick days. Both are rather bad. But if he's sick, he'll have to make up three days of work. Does that mean he'll be working a second weekend, thus killing off every single open chance we had in one really ludicrous fell swoop? Well, hopefully I'll know soon. I'll say one thing. I've lost pretty much all faith in it, and if he makes it down this weekend, I will consider it a miracle and start going back to church.

If you have been, no shit.

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