'This isn't Miss America, get back on the dick!' by Kara
Friday, October 17, 2008 at 11:07 AM

I ain't got in in me today, but you'll all go nuts if I don't. So here.

How do you usually feel the day after a convention?

First: Tired, but okay. -- 17%
Second: FREAKIN' GREAT! -- 13%
Third: No particular way. / Really really tired and NOT okay. / Don't go to cons. / I have no idea -- too numb to know how I feel. -- 4%

Uncreativity Penalty: -10 for comas, -15 for 'post-con depression.'


* 'Depressed that it's over. Also, naked.': Naked cancels out uncreativity. +5

* 'Smug. I'm either superior because I'm cleaning up after the staff that went home already, or I'm going home to my clean house while the other suckers clean up. Either way I rationalize and enjoy my smug satisfaction.': +15 for smuggery, +5 more for good reason for smuggery.

* 'Sort of as though I've slipped into an alternate dimension. Or that the con was the alternate dimension, and I'm back in the 'normal' universe...': +10, row row fight the powah.

* 'Completely revved up and ready to push my candidate over the top!!!!': +10 for political activism without political ranting. That's the way it should be. Hell, another +5 for that.

Correct Answer: 'Like I've just been raped by Krauser-san'

New poll, there ya go. If you have been, good night.

Upcoming Conventions:

Nekocon: 6-8 Nov 2015

Katsucon: 12-14 Feb 2016

MAGFest: 18-21 Feb 2016

(Re)Generation Who: 18-20 Mar 2016

RavenCon: 29 Apr-1 May 2016

Anime Mid-Atlantic: 17-19 Jun 2016

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