'Everyone, assemble your candypants!' by Kara
You roll your eyes, but I've banned someone for repeated spoilering.
I do have something proper to talk about, though.
The Barbican (which you can learn about by clicking that their handy link) will be having an Osamu Tezuka program in September, including showings of documentaries and -- of course -- some of his work. A lot of the stuff they're showing has never been screened outside Japan, including the Lion Books episode Rain Boy and Rintaro's short Osamu and Musashi. There will also be documentaries, lectures, panels, and the like.
I know I've got some readers in the UK ... and I also know I've got some readers who are willing and able to hop a plane to get there. So if you'd like to get dates and times and other information, e-mail Arnaud Fontaine, or Laura Bushell at Sarah Harvey Publicity. I just know what I got in the e-mail, so those are the go-to guys.
Sadly, I don't have the time or money to make it, but I'd at least like to make sure other readers have the opportunity. Also, as there aren't a hell of a lot of places for British anime fans to go, this'd be a great opportunity for the locals to finally get together in a group and do something. And, you know, learn something.
Right, that's my job done for the day. If you have been, I'll get my coat.
Monday, July 21, 2008 at 9:31 AM
So, Avatar. Yeah. Holy crap. Now, everyone I know who watches it either a) keeps up with it on TV, or b) is waiting for the DVDs and is thus even further behind than I was ('til yesterday). So you've either had your own freakouts or are hiding your eyes from possible spoilers. No worries. We're still within that time period where saying much of anything would, quite rightly, get me lynched. Thus I'm also asking that the Shoutbox regulars follow my Spoiler Rules until ... eh ... I think it was decided once the DVD is out.