Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'I dreamt I worked in a pillow and fabric store. It was not fun.' by Kara
Sunday, June 4, 2006 at 11:06 AM

I seem to have a cloggy throat this morning, so I'm drinking some sort of weird mint tea my half sister sent me from Hawai'i.

So, on many people's suggestions, I'm going to start watching Casanova sometime today. This is apparently the show Tennie and RTD worked on together just before the former took on playing the Doctor. I wonder if it was The Convincing Thing. I'm looking forward to finding out, but I need to make the time first. It's funny how you, you know, have lots of time first thing in the weekend, and then it just sort of goes. Trying to avoid that.

I'm reading A Journey to the Centre of the Earth through my job's book club. At the risk of plugging, this is actually a cool thing. You sign up and get a chapter of a book by e-mail each day. Some people can keep up, some can't. I can. It's fun, except for the fact that AJttCotE is one of the most painfully boring books ever to appear in the annals of any digital medium. Yet I'm reading it, mainly because we've had one battle between two dinosaurs and I'm hoping for more.

If you have been, don't eat the giant 'shrooms.

Gimme your cheeses! by Mich
Sunday, June 4, 2006 at 8:26 AM

Hmmm. I'm not sure I really have all that much to rant about. Work is trying to kill me right now, for no reason either. Well not for me. The other areas need the time, but I don't.

Right, maybe I need to go back to bed...

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