Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'how i mine for fish?' by Kara
Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 10:44 AM

Okay, so maybe I was a tad off on how accurate certain predictions were. Generality rather than specific. 'ow's that?

I have a rash, and I know you care. I was rather concerned because something I'm taking is nearly side-effect free (sans the initial getting-used-to-it), hence my taking it instead of other alternatives. But the Big Nasty Side Effect You Watch Out For is a rash ... because that's a sign that you're, quite literally, deathly allergic, and need to get off it and get some medical attention. Although this isn't a movie-of-the-week thing like it sounds like ... if it happens, it takes time. You don't start itching and then drop dead.

Well, fortunately for me, it's just the damn pollen count, which is now affecting someone who hasn't had allergies since she was fourteen (me), and who has never had allergies manifest in hives (also me). So I've got Allegra horse pills to tide me over until it stops.

Also fortunately for me, the maintenance man finally came and fixed my A/C. So visitors need no longer be frightened off.

If you have been, dang, yo.

We Speak Langauge by Mich
Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 9:22 AM

That was a real sign seen somewhere in Kentucky. Which is where I currently am right now, but I think I really want to go home.

I was thinking of ranting here, but I think I'll go over into another medium, no need to drag my personal rants here - that's what Livejournal is for right?

Actually managed to watch the new Dr Who within a few days of it coming out. Let me just say, I don't think I want to be right about my random, pulled out of the air, predictions again. I think that disturbed me the most.

And here in Blacklight land, or perhaps at Jefferson Institue (I think that was it) I'm...well I'm not sure what I'm doing. This weekend may end a bit explosively, but I think I'll save that for when I'm on my own turf, and, well, not dependant upon people to get me home.

If you have been, you're a dense man and I'm starting to get sick of it.

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