And there's Wickliffe takin' out the baddie with one punch. That's why they brought her along. It is also why they let her stay drunk. She's badassier the drunker she is.
I am now in possession of a Foreman grill. No, I didn't splurge on one. Some friends gev it to me. My sofa is also a hand-me-down. Seems that when they get something new, I get the old one. Thank God they're only gonna have one kid.
Anyway, I experimented with it last night by making grilled cheese. I hate putting butter and stuff all over grilled cheese (I hate putting anything fatty all over anything ... just tastes gross to me), so I could just pop this on and do 'em panini-style. I put other things on grilled cheese, like turkey and stuff, so that turned out tasting pretty good.
Actual paninis ... mmm. I should try that.
If you have been, take something for it.
Life has gotten silly busy again, but it's probably partially my fault for willingly working nearly 60 hour weeks. Still, it pays the rent and the bills.
5 more days until my next day off...
'I'm spindling, but I'm not folding or mutilating.' by Kara
Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 9:01 AM
Well, we'll have Maive out of her armour and into her little goth-wannabe clothes again soon enough. And Haplo's kind of a dick. Noticed that? Well, he can get away with it because he's badass.
They don't make sawdust like they used to by Mich
Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 6:23 AM
Heh, I think I've deviated from original planned personalities a lot.