'People just keep GIVING me neat things to say!' by Kara
And there's whatsisnuts again. Miss him?
Got some prepping to do on the publishing end of things (not for this yet ... not nearly enough pages to swing that). Newest ConScrew book has come out, and the first Sticky Wicket hits in late summer/early fall. Workity-work-work.
Now, you would think that my recent joining of City of Heroes/Villains would actually make me less productive. Quite the opposite, actually. I always promise myself that once things are done for the day ... and I mean down to the flat actually being clean and my being ready with the next day's comic and mess ... I get to do a few missions. I'm a good girl that way. My hero and villain each have Hover now. In a few more levels, they can fly. Also, my villain has earned a Mongoose badge, simply from killing so many goddamned snakes.
If you have been, gratz!
Speaking of work, I have to cut this short so's I can run off to work, a double shift on Mother's Day. Boooo.
If you have been, watch The Haunted Lighthouse next week.
Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 9:48 AM
So, I had to Photoshop Maive into her armour. But I did it. I was clearly very forgetful yesterday when I trotted off to the couch with my box of oatmeal cookies to draw. But see? It's attended to.
Pirates! by Mich
Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 6:20 AM
In the past three days I've heard a happy rumor, a sad rumor and a very frightening rumor at work. Heh.