So, I'm almost done with a new show. Casanova. Seriously, this is an awesome show. It's got two Doctor Who people working on it, and it's only three episodes long. It also has Peter O'Toole and sex with nuns. Can't go wrong.
Back to reading my Sunday morning news and answering overdue e-mails. If you have been, SPLITTER!
Why do people insist on calling you at 8 AM to work out something that's going to happen at 2 PM? What happaned to the standard calling hours of 9 am to 10 pm?
Everyone survived Tuesday I take it? How about the latest Dr Who? Nice and startling, pretty scary, though probably not The Omen scary, not that I would know, the original was frightening enough for me thank you. I'm not a horror movie fan.
I will say, life for me started going bizarre on Tuesday though. Weird schedule revisions, 9 day work weeks, random actions done by random people at work that I would least expect them to do...much weirdness, that's just the tip of the iceburg. And I do mean weirder than normal, I already lead a pretty bizarre life. If somewhat boring at times.
I had a 'brilliant!' moment last night, felt kind of like the current Doctor when he works stuff out and is impressed by how it's done, but alas, the moment is lost, I fell asleep and now I'm not even sure what it was I was so excited about.
Stay tuned to see if I manage to manipulate our very beleifs based on numbers. If you have been, wait till after 9 to call.
'I knew it was a dream because he doesn't actually have a stupid accent.' by Kara
Sunday, June 11, 2006 at 12:03 PM
Bad manga-ka! BAD!! Not answering e-mails for AMA! I hope I haven't panicked anyone. But yes, Anime Mid-Atlantic. I will be there. I doubt Co-Writer will be, unless some sort of miracle happens and she's both off work and insane. There will be a Blacklight this coming Sunday, though. I'll be running a charity auction, but there will be one.
Our Chinese Masters by Mich
Sunday, June 11, 2006 at 8:58 AM
At least I don't think I've used that quote before.