Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'You have a Klingon on your wall!' by Kara
Sunday, April 13, 2008 at 4:32 PM

As I keep getting up late Sunday, I keep forgetting to rant here. It's much easier when, you know, I have a reason to be awake and people pestering me directly.

Been a busy day, after all.

Discovered last night that the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair injured himself and would not be racing today ... so I found myself possessed of quite a bit of extra time. I decided to put that towards the long-ignored task of going through my clothes for the next Salvation Army run.

I ended up filling four bags.

Cuz why? My g'mother keeps buying me clothes. I mean, it's lovely, but it got to the point of becoming more than I'd ever wear and too much to fit in my flat. And I sort of had to do this before I could do laundry, because there was nowhere to put anything. I haven't even started on my costume closet, but with three or four new outfits lined up to go into it, I'd better before too much longer.

Tonight I also have to finish cleaning cages, and it'd be nice to get some sewing and/or drawing done. Being self-sufficient isn't always all it's cracked up to be.

If you have been, I never woulda known.

. . . by Mich
Sunday, April 13, 2008 at 6:43 AM

I had at least three great rant titles, but since I forgot to write any of them down, I've forgotten them all.

Spring weather here is so obnoxious. Warm for two days, REALLY warm that is, and then the next week is going to be freezing. This of course means that my folks (since I moved back in with them) just leave the heat on till summer. Now that's nice on cold days, it kicks on, warms the place up a bit, but I don't really need the heat on unless it's in the 30s outside.

When it's 80+ out though, I need the AC on. Nope, it'll be cool again in two days, just turn on the ceiling fans. Of course they don't care, their room only gets sun in the morning. My room gets sun baking it for most the day, so it tends to be really hot upstairs.

Still, getting a costume ready for Ravencon, perhaps two, we'll see how ambitious I'm feeling. It's likely to be just the one.

The Mich melts.

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