Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'It may be massively ugly, but it's like porn to me.' by Kara
Sunday, April 20, 2008 at 8:04 AM

I really, just ... I rage. I do. And I've mentioned on other rants that I don't often do it on my own behalf. I will bawl like a baby in private over things on my own behalf, but after that I'll wash my face and have some cheesy tots and be glad I got it out of my system without being seen.

Thus, I've been fairly exhausted this week, as two friends -- two Co-Writers -- have been unhappy. In Co-Writer here's case, these things were pretty much out of her control and everyone else's. The former, well, that makes me pissed enough. The fact that there was essentially nothing anyone else could do doesn't make it okay, but it keeps me from being angry and vindictive about any of it. It's just plain sad, unfortunate, and cosmically unfair. And believe me, it affected me, too -- just because I deal with it differently doesn't mean I'm not massively unhappy. And shocked. And things. I'm just incompetent at expressing myself coherently.

But even if it hadn't affected me directly, that's a sad friend, and a sad friend makes me sad, too.

That's bad enough. That's more than enough for anyone to have to deal with. You want to point a finger, but you can't unless you decide to point straight up.

It's when you can point a finger that I go from fucking sad to fucking angry.

I mean. Honestly. Seriously. Are people so blind and self-absorbed today that they can't see when their behaviour affects someone else negatively?

Can they not get the hint when they get snapped at that maybe they're the ones at fault and not 'all those other people'?

And, for fuck's sake, does anything get through their skulls when they are so cockwhackingly invasive as to cause someone to run away from home just to be alone??

(You wanna talk about setting off the Firefox spellcheck, imagine what cockwhackingly must be doing to it.)

It really is bad enough that the universe sucks on its own. It doesn't need help.

I would really love to be able to shoulder my friends' problems. I'd happily trade if I could. I'll take the grief and the arsedickery if it meant that their biggest problem right now was buying the just barely wrong-sized bobbins for their sewing machine.

If you have been, piss off.

If I sit still long enough something always ends up in my lap. by Mich
Sunday, April 20, 2008 at 6:34 AM

So another week has come and gone.

The interesting thing about ranting only once a week is so much happens during the week that you can rant about it all, or random stuff seems really trivial.

Tuesday for instance, was a Bad Day for me. Tragedies occurring right in the morning and me helpless to do anything about them. I've been slightly off since then.

I mean I've mostly gotten over it, but every so often my mind just phases out and focuses on it and then I'm just, well, off. Drives my Mom crazy, but then she was miserable that day too.

Huh, Firefox has decided to correct my spelling, or at least do the underline the word in red (actually it may not be Firefox, but something is) and mom isn't in their dictionary. Nor is Firefox.

Ah well. Con next weekend, and a disaster area called a bedroom needs to be dealt with.

The Mich rambles.

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