Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'Uh-oh, the weight is gone from my pants!' by Kara
Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 8:15 AM

Took a trip up to visit the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair yesterday ... got a bit of Black Lagoon and Koko wa Greenwood under my belt, and finally got him watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Which he likes. I feel vindicated.

Also got to play a bit of Rock Band. Only sang one song (you can download 'Still Alive' free, and since everyone wanted that, I was on the mic), and did lead guitar the rest of the time, albeit on Medium as I don't play much and have yet to master that orange button. CWwtLH pretty much handled the vocals from there. I feel like a bitch for having made him sing 'Suffragette City,' but come on.

Oh, and the kosher Coke is finally out. Go get it. It's made with real sugar.

If you have been, I forgot it!

"Sure, the work will be hard, the broadband rates low, the commodes decidedly open source" by Mich
Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 6:51 AM

I realise that I don't have a heck of a lot to rant about. Or if I do have a lot to rant about, it's all gone out of mind after a night of sleep.

So let's see, the costumes for AMA are done, and I think I'll throw together a quick Doctor Who companion for Ravencon. So next on the plate is Mrs. Lovett, which I'll admit, I'm not entirely ready to think about her yet.

And of course, there's always a school-girl outfit that needs to be made.

At least I have a source of income again (since I haven't actually opened AlliedMichCorp yet). I'm a glorified secretary, but it's work.

Mmm, I feel I should mention something about the new Who. Really, I'm surprised that Adipose didn't end up in America. Really Doctor, couldn't you just have said friend, or travelling companion, not a mate? Yeah, that would have lost that interesting bit, but really.

Eh, and I think anything else might end up being spoilery.

The Mich hungers!

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