Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'Oh, 70s anime. You don't care if children die.' by Kara
Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 8:33 AM

Tonight, despite the fact that I'm going somewhere else this coming weekend, the family's taking me somewhere for early birthday dinner. I also note that the Oscars are tonight, and I'll probably end up watching them selectively. There are only a few categories I'm even remotely interested in.

I'm tearing my way through books. It is my practice to finish borrowed books before any I've bought ... and I'm never gonna make it to any I've bought. I can finish a couple books in a weekend, but they get lent to me that fast. I've got this lovely pile of Discworld, and some children's Arthuriana a professor of mine wrote, and a book I got from the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair as a gift. I may actually crack this last one on my pile tonight -- To Visit the Queen by Diane Duane ... and then I can get through a few of my own before my friends realise that I'm out of stuff. I have another friend pulling me through the Dark Tower series ... which, believe me, I don't mind.

I need to get ahead on stuff again ... at least before the next con ... so I can read books and marathon anime in peace.

This never happens.

If you have been, it hurts!!

You mean that knight over there reconstituting his constitution? by Mich
Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 12:17 AM

In the airport insanely early to catch a flight back to the States (I don't wanna go back). Ended up taking a taxi all the way out to Heathrow rather than a train, interestingly it was cheaper to take the taxi. And faster, much, much faster.

Bit of an issue of book buying, too many books made the suitcase too heavy and I had to remove a good portion of them to get the thing light enough to be accepted, so I technically have three/four carry-ons (well the remote control dalek had to go somewhere!)

Now I'm just waiting for them to announce my gate so I can go to that lounge and possibly doze off till boarding. While I tend not to sleep on day flights (jet lag prevention and all) I think I will be sleeping on this flight. It's much too long for one (really, any flight would be too long for me right now) and I didn't really sleep much last night. That was by choice though.

Those of you on my LJ may see a brief discussion of what ended up being my trip itinerary, if I don't fall asleep first.

The Mich prepares to fly!

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