Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'The soap is electric, but nothing else is!' by Kara
Sunday, March 2, 2008 at 6:16 AM

Finally got my three Co-Writers and ... well, a publisher in one place for an evening. (The other has promised me a special trip, but I still wish she could've been there.) It might've been a bad idea. Or a really good one. I do know I enjoyed the hell out of myself, though.

However, when I have a day of doing other things, I end up paying for it with a day of making up for not doing anything productive the day before.

Incidentally, I liked drawing this page. But I have a feeling I'll like drawing the next one even more.

If you have been, it's on fire!

"I thought my coat was ringing. I guess not." by Mich
Sunday, March 2, 2008 at 4:57 AM

My car decidedly likes Freebird. It's one of the songs on the current driving mix, and set on random, it seems to be every third song played. Silly car. Could be worse, could've been Delilah (as this was a mix made by someone else, yes, there is a song I wish wasn't on there).

Moving is so tedious. Packing everything into boxes, driving it elsewhere, unpacking it all, renting a larger vehicle to move the larger pieces of furniture, and all that nonsense. It gets so tedious. I want to travel, not move.

At any rate, I'm back in the land that isn't the UK, trying to find a job, still.

The Mich needs an income!

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