'The food here is so good, even a cave man likes it!' by Kara
Well, yes. That's what my g'father calls them. I found one (albeit a puny one) for $15 when I was looking for a digicam card reader at Best Buy, and figured what the hell ... picked it up and a copy of Aerosmith. Keep forgetting that I'm actually good at that game, despite only owning the DS version up 'til now.
Anime Mid-Atlantic approacheth, and for now things seem to be calmed down a bit on my end. I shouldn't say that too loudly on account of that's just asking for it, but it's nice to know that the system I set up for keeping my own stress low (and thus not pissing off all my friends by being Con-Zilla) is actually working so far.
Which means I'm getting something of a chance to relax while I'm between commissions. As much as I can ever let myself relax.
Quick and totally relevant question. Does anyone go to the library anymore, or does everyone just buy their books? I mean, yes, I'll still buy 'em and there's plenty the library doesn't carry, but with as quickly as I've been devouring (metaphorically) books lately, the buying thing isn't really feasible unless it's something I have to have right away now and forever. It's very odd rediscovering the Reading Rainbow wonderland of your local library. Not many students in there, either, not with the interbox to do their term papers for them.
Basically, while I'm waiting for Co-Writer to give me my next
'But Kara,' I hear you cry, 'why don't you just go to the library to grab the next books you'd be borrowing from him?' Cuz they don't have them, goose-arse. I'm surprised they have stuff by Terry Pratchett in there. I'm wondering how long it'll be until I run out of stuff I'm interested in and end up being forced to murder a few Harlequin romances. There are plenty of those.
Blah blah rattle rattle. Whatever, there's new Anime World Order, Anime-Classic just released Goldran, and ... I dunno. Whatever, divide by zero. If you have been, OH SHI-
Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 1:44 PM
So I finally own one of them Hero Guitars.
dose of S&M-riddled literary corruption via his personal bookshelf couple books I'm borrowing from him, I'm going through whatever Discworld the library has. It's sparse, but it should hold me.