'Yup, that's what I need, Sean Connery going through my underwear ...' by Kara
That said, I'll correct myself to my friends and say that what I found in my bedroom this morning, and what I ended up spray-murdering in cold blood, was, in fact, a wasp. My bad.
Eventually, something rant-worthy will happen to either Co-Writer or self once again, and I can only hope it's not gonna be something crappy. Maybe one of us will finally remember to win the lottery and we can come in and start bragging about our exorbitant purchases. That's the one I'm gunning for, anyway. If you have been, anything but that!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 3:49 PM
I realised recently that I grew up with my definition of 'wasp' and 'hornet' reversed. Or it could be the fact that, as a friend just said, all you need to know is that they're both stripey and have painful stings, and it wasn't until a couple years ago that I encountered insects of this variety who had no stripes, but were still rather threatening.