"The quicker Pecker upper!" by Rob
Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 2:10 PM

The saga continues!

Day 3

Sometime after 10 AM- Waking feeling fully rested and feeling much better, I showered and gathered my things, as I would be staying at Kalins place for the next two nights. After getting in touch with Colt and finalising plans, we figured out that by the time I got out there from Kayts, Kalin would be out of work and we could just bring my things to her place instead of our convoluted plan to transfer luggage. Which probably was for the best because if you've never had to lug lots of bags on the Tokyo metro it's probably for the best. We met up with Kalin (who I haven't seen in many years, much like Kayt) at the Shinjuku station and wheeled my stuff over to her apartment. Colt and I then headed out to get food while she finished laundry. Walking back twards the train station we stopped at a small ramen place and had REAL ramen for the first time. Delicious and filling, my 'Stamina ramen' had beef and egg in it as well. So good and spicy! And as an added bonus, on our way over there I saw my first new GTR in the flesh! No time to snap a pic though, as it was rolling by at the time. I shall have my chance!After lunch we met with Kalin and headed out to Akihabara to do something important. When we arrived, shortly after leaving the train station we were greeted with a poster for the Macross event on sunday hanging in the window of a convienience stores window. I snagged a picture of it as the art is breathtaking (god I love Mikimoto) and then we headed into Akihabara proper.

Akihabara for those who don't know, is the electronics capital of the world. Everything you could want, and even a few things you didn't know you did can be found there. It's also Otaku heaven. Stores adorned with large multi story banners proclaiming the latest game or video will greet you everytime you look up. Large arcades and their constant noise will nearly deafen you with sound and choke you with smoke as you walk by. Every kind of toy, collectable, and gadget will vie for your attention. We had a purpose though. Spotting a table near the large 8 story bulding called 'Gamers' we inquired as to what we'd need to do to have a chance at the Macross Raffle for the special events. That's right, you needed a ticket you could only win to get into the good stuff. After finding out about the 'stamp rally' we proceeded to the large indoor store called the 'Tokyo Anime Center' where for about 20 bucks you buy a limited edition poster (only 10,000 were made) and get your stamp card. Collect three stamps from various vendors by buying something at their store and you'll get a chance to roll the raffle barrel, like you always see in anime and Manga, manned by none other than costumed girls wearing Ranka and Altoh getups. We headed off armed with our two cards and I was determined not to go down without at least trying to get in. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't.

We hit our shops, first being a convinience store where we got drinks, and recieved a stamp of Max Jinas as a reward. Good start. Then heading off and purchasing CDs for the show that I wanted at 'Gamers' we got our second stamp, and then a third when I got an artbook for Tikki at another shop. Sheryl and Altoh stamps were the remainder and we collected our goods (which we wanted to buy anyway) and our cards , heading back to the T.A.C. to try our hand at the raffle. After Colt botched his by turning it WAY too fast, I took my turn and got....a looser! In return, we got stamps of Rankas phone on the bottom of our cards rendering them un-useable for another try. At least we got to keep the cards....

Down, but not too disheartened (we would try again tomorrow) we headed out to find more ways to spend the evening. Dinner at Kayts restaurant where she performs was on the card, and we had a nice Turkish dinner while watching her dance, after which she joined us.(Never thought I'd be eating Turkish while I was in Japan...) On the way back we saw an anime themed Ramen shop, and ANOTHER GTR! I hurridly snapped a picture (he was stopped at the light this time) and then we beat it out of there before he wondered what the Gaijin was up too. We then headed out for Kalins while Colt left to head back to the dorm. Kaling then enforced the fact that I needed to take advantage of there being no 'open container laws' in Japan, by buying me a drink at the nearest store, as well as some valentines day chocholate *awww!*. I guess being in Japan is rubbing off on her if she's buying the goodies for a guy! We walked back the her place with a beer in one hand and chocholate in the other...what a place.

Our day cut fairly short by my sleeping in and wasting half the day, but necissary for the fact that I was so ill prior. And it realy did me the good I needed cause I felt Great! I crashed at Kalins after talking with her and being still unable to connect to her wireless since she didn't remember the password. I borrowed her laptop, which led to interesting IM's with my speech switching to japanese halfway through. Odd.

Tomorrow, the Ghibli Museum!

Resistance of open Beer in the streets is FUTILE!!!

Neo-Vader III

'My cute dance just like Norma Jean will make you midnight crazy, gonna take a miracle time!' by Kara
Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:47 AM

God, I forgot how fun the later Project A-Ko movies were. I don't care what anyone else says.

Hoping Co-Writer gets to finish adjusting to local time again this weekend. I know I felt like crap just being five hours off -- then again, I'm a wuss. But still.

So I've got no Japan stories and he probably will. Thus keepin' it short again, because I'm nice like that. I've got places to be and GaoGaiGar to inflict tonight. And a bagel to eat.

If you have been, you'll be the last to know.

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