ETA by Kara
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 8:42 AM

Since I need to temper the bad news with good news ... so I won't feel guilty.

1. According to some surprise boxiness, Co-Writer has made it safely to Japan. This is actually quite a load off my mind. Dunno if we'll be getting pop-ins from him later on, but we'll hope. I sorta wanna hear about what he bought for me what he's up to.

2. Remember my long whiny rant about the Withnail & I ... house going up for auction? It appears to have been bought by a hardcore fan. Thank fuckity fuck. You'll see in the article he's said already he's going to keep the graffiti. There's something comforting about knowing my childish fanscrawl will stay.

3. Here's my masquerade skit with the V-Sisters. You'll need to either register or use ... I dunno ... BugMeNot. I do not condone the use of such a site to get around registering ... but, erm, I guess I couldn't stop you if you did, could I?

If you have been, good morning.

Why the fuck. by Kara
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 12:04 AM

Katsucon ... tiring ... but good. Noriko was sick beforehand. Left her with family to give her her antibiotics while I was gone. Enlarged lymph nodes meant one of two things: infection or cancer. Try to treat infection first.

While I was gone, she was incredibly perky, and was eating again. And she was this morning, too. But this evening, she just rocketed downward, 'til finally tonight she just lay down in my lap and went to sleep.

There will be video of her from the weekend -- maternal unit just felt like taking vid of her eating -- once it's been sent to me. For now, just have a look at what a gigantic idiot I am.

True to her name, I'm burying her with a scrap of fabric left over from my Noriko costume and the headband from said costume. (I can get identical blue ribbon again anywhere.) And my tacky box for her is painted appropriately. Neither of these photos actually shows her. I'd never take a picture of her not alive. Not how I want to remember her. Not how anyone wants to remember her.

I was going to pick up the steroids tomorrow to treat for possible lymphoma. I was too late. And I don't know whether to blame myself, the (apparently) cancer, or to just tell the world to go fuck itself.

Can't stand a world that would take away my baby for no fucking reason. Can't stand not seeing her in the cage. Can't stand everything falling on me right here and now all at once.

I believe this is the 'Anger' stage. G'night, all ... meanwhile, enjoy Tali's pizza folly, and expect omake for the rest of the week as prep for Co-Writer's Japan Odyssey prevented him from writing more scripts before time. They're good omake, honest.

If you have been, good night.

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