'Snowball just led elves on. Elves and Santas.' by Kara
Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 9:51 AM

The season itself slipped by me a bit in the midst of unpacking and trying to figure out where to put my sewing things and how many shelves I need ... although I did end up with a wreath and poinsettia, so I guess that's something. Oh, and in another scene from Kara's Life as a Wacky Comedy Movie, what did the guy across the hall from me put up all 'round his door? Flashy lights. A nice brutal reminder (for me) of the festive season. Can't complain since he leaves them off unless company's coming over.

Eggnog-wise, I'm pretty sure I've had my share.

Not sure what everyone else is doing with themselves today, but I'm hoping they all stay safe. I wish I didn't have to wish people safety this time of year in any respect but that of family security and other such general things, but there are some kids out there ruining it for all of us.

This page was Co-Writer's idea, and I redrew it two times because I wasn't completely happy with it for quite a while. I will never be completely happy with anything I draw, but this is close.

Trivia: I was Mary all growing up in what passed for my g'mother's church's Christmas pageant. Then they made me be Gabriel when I got too old (once a Sunday School kid hits 11, they're past their prime). I'm not sure how they would have felt about our darling tattooed green-eyed lovely here, but I figure she can get into the spirit of it for about ... five seconds. Then I'm pretty sure we'd be short a Mary while she goes around to figure out what sort of drinks are available in turn-of-the-millennium Palestine. But Reika just wouldn't be as funny. Besides, I imagine she's off baking a huge Christmas cake for everyone and being generally adorable.

Damn, I bloody shoulda drawn that as a separate picture.

Speaking of Christmas-y hilarity, I've got two more for you.

One is this reading by David Sedaris, about his work as a Macy's Christmas elf. Heard it on NPR this morning and it's one of the best things ever. Use the link in the separate box next to his picture, under 'NPR HOLIDAY FAVORITES.' The other leads to a review of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button for some reason.

The other is this:

If you have been, have a merry messy Kweznuz. And even if you don't celebrate it, have a good day anyway because sucky days suck.

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