'It's not my fault! I didn't do anything! I don't even LIKE truffles!' by Kara
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 9:51 AM

Once again, Kali happens on the Alpha and Omega holidays. We'll be here in some form. Just not sure of the form yet.

Tomorrow I've been summoned to be on a local radio show. No, it's not because of anything special I've done. My biological mother is a local DJ, and her boss wants her to have some family on. It involves getting up early on Christmas Eve, so I'm being a dork and leaving it up in the air still. It would be intriguing ... been a long time since I've sat in on anything at a radio station.

Beyond that, it's local family food, obligations, what have you ... gift-shopping almost entirely slipped past me this year, so if people get gifts, they get late gifts. I wasn't about to stress myself moving and stress myself shopping. People can wait and will hopefully be understanding (especially considering some got facking expensive presents last year from Engrand, bless 'em).

Well, I've been given someone else's work to do today. I have a feeling I'll be earning these two days off. If you have been ... ugh, you know, can't even think of one.

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