"God, how are we going to fit that many blowjobs between my maid cafe shifts ... " by Rob
Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 3:45 PM

Well, the holidays are coming up...and weather has crippled my old stomping grounds. You know it's bad when up north they say they aren't going to have school till AFTER new years. Still, I will soldier on and head home for the sparse time off. This will probably the last Cristmas I get to spend with my grandmother, so I'm gonna try and make it count.

As for New years...lots of people will be coming to the house. I'm sure the usual party favors will be in order, games, booze and wild laughter...and then we'll leave the bedroom and go back out to the others! (Zing!) Seriously...will be good to see some of those people again after a while.

Someone keeps promising me a new computer, but I shall believe it when I see it. Oh wait ...I can...'cept it doesn't work. Hopefully it will soon. Also I'm hoping to get the rest of my shopping done this weekend. Since I haven't been able to get to classes(tuesday was testing and monday I was sore from sunday, and saturday is graduation) perhaps I'll go to Gregs tonight and watch some more Gurren Lagann with them.

Oh they're almost at episode....8.

If you have been...er....wait a sec!

Resistance is FUTILE!!!

Neo-Vader III

'I can make you clean, I just have to dig you out!' by Kara
Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 9:57 AM

Carve on my headstone: 'Here lies Kara. Betterman blew her fucking mind.'

I took in five episodes last night before going to bed. It's been on my To Watch pile for far too long now, but now I have the motivation to work on it. As my switcher box blew the other night and I'm waiting for a new one, I'm thankful that my computer is capable of playing DVDs with a minumum of trouble. Not my preferred viewing method, but it'll do temporarily.

At any rate, yes, by the second episode it had already blow my mind, and I'm pretty sure it will continue to do so. And I'm not just talking about realising that it's in the GaoGaiGar universe. No, this is a special level of madness that I can't even begin to describe. Just some of the imagery drives me up the wall. It's a gorgeous series, but the people wot made it are clearly insane and hallucinating and have decided they want to share. And the plot so far ...

... well, I'm making myself do more unpacking before I watch any tonight, because otherwise the den will remain nothing but a sea of boxes 'til I finish the show.



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