'I'm scratching my thinking butt!' by Kara
Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 9:54 AM

Bloody hell. Not only did he rant ... he beat me.

Last night going home from work (a longish drive I won't have to make for too much longer), I saw gas for that same $1.69. I'm convinced it's because I told Co-Writer I thought it'd never go below $2 again. This was about a week before Hallowe'en. At which point the universe went 'Oh, yeah??' Hey, man, whatever works.

I refuse to do another apartment rant in a row because otherwise people are gonna kill me, so ...

Wanna see what I've been up to?


After doing some sketchy things for Keiichi.net radio (which Co-Writer turned me on to), one of their DJs came along and asked if we could work together to design a mascot for him. As in a proper commission. Intensely flattering.

Anyway, if you proceed to the link, you can see what I've done for him. There will most likely be more from me on the Sarah Yoshida front (that's her name). JR's a lovely gent, and very understanding of trippy schedules. But now that we've got her look down, she'll be quite easy to work with on future things.

I'm still thrilled at designing an actual mascot character. Thanks, JR. Seriously, go and listen to his stuff.

If you have been, I won't!

"When she gets home I'm going to suprise her.....and by suprise I mean rape." by Rob
Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 9:05 AM

So as I was driving to WAWA the other night to pick up a Gobbler for dinner *hot turkey and gravy with stuffing and cranberry sauce...oh it's soo good* to eat at my friend Gregs house and catch them up on Dr. Who.... and fill up the Aspire, I noticed the price of gas at the pump....

...And nearly crashed. You see, I've been on for a while about how outrageous gas prices have been for a few years, and how I don't understand how gas can go from about 5 cents a gallon when cars first started populating the road, to about a buck fifty in the late 90's ....but I don't understand how it goes from a buck and a half to three dollars and twenty frickin' cents in about a year. Supply and demand I guess. Then if I thought about it more, and looked at the ludicrous profits raked in by the oil companies, and the fact that even a few years after the hikes, the prices hadn't changed. Wouldn't they have had ample time to get production up to demand by now!?

As I sat there getting the nozzle to put fuel into my car, I smiled...for once I actually smiled while putting gas in. Finaly, either outcry from the public has made the big companies listen that it's not about something we want...here in America it's something we NEED. If you don't live in a big city , public transport is a total joke, and you need a car to get ...well, anywhere. This is about our lives and how we live them....so the people in charge needed to listen and either get us some public transport that works....or drop the price of gas to something reasonable that you don't have to work for half a day to fill your tank.

I filled up on the gas that cost me $1.69 a gallon. It took just over ten dollars to fill the tank from about 1/3 full.....

...And I smiled again.

I think I'm gonna go top off the FC tonight...even if it doesn't need it.

Resistance is FUTILE!!!

Neo-Vader III

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