"Mutual of Robs Wild Kingdom?" by Rob
Friday, November 14, 2008 at 9:23 AM

So yesterdays drives were ...interesting....

On my way into work I was held up at one point on my usual backroads. Wondering what could be holding up the line on BOTH sides of the road had me curious, but as I got closer I noticed it wasn't your ususal dog trotting down the road , or even a pet cow or donkey.

No it was a ram. A full sized adult male Ram. Big horns and everything.

As we skirted our cars past it as carefully as possible I noticed two things...one, the collar around his neck and the steel cable attached to it. This led me to believe he had an owner. And two, the car opposite from me as I crept past was an unmarked police car. As I crawled by we happened to look right at each other...I shrugged *what else was I gonna do* and rolled on. He looked to sigh, and turned his lights on and promptly proceeded to block the road with his car. I left him wondering if they actualy cover something like this at the academy....I'd love to hear that radio call.

So after my dreary day of work, the rain had not abated all day. The fog was thick and the sun was down, so visibility was at a premium. 50 maybe 60 feet at most on those same back roads. As I was tearing down one particular section (I tend not to let darkness and rain slow me down) I passed under a tree. Then suddenly as I went by, there was a sound on my hood/ windshield area that was akin to someone throwing a baseball full speed at it. Startled by the sound, but seeing no damage I went on, for the conditions didn't exactly warrant stopping in near zero visibility. As I continued home and worked the wipers I noticed something small clumped up near the base of the arm or the passenger wiper. I vowed to check it when I got home.

And after telling my roomates about my animalistic adventures that day and watching their hysterical laughter I told them...

"...Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go remove a bat from my car."

Yep...somehow in the dark, a bat had hit the hood and killed itself instantly, lodging in the crook of the wiper arm. Musta been all the fog messing with his radar....

What the hell's gonna happen today!? O.o

Oh and on the way in today...I saw the ram in a field nearby where he was loose. He was back on his tether, munching on grass.

Resistance of the Animal Kingdom is FUTILE!!!

Neo-Vader III

'You weren't the one carrying around a dozen eggs in your pantyhose!' by Kara
Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 9:43 AM

To make a Divine Arm:

* 1 shot glass (size at the discretion of the bartender)
* 1 part light rum
* 1 part amaretto
* 1 part peach schnapps

Just toss 'em in the glass, no particular order, swizzle it up and enjoy. Or watch someone else enjoy, because the shock on their face after they try it for the first time is priceless. It's sweet, you see, when you first try it. And tasty (I can attest to this and have heard the same from everyone who's tried it). Give it about 30 seconds and ... well, you see what happened to Marduke on Saturday's page? Imagine that, but in your head.

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