'With a name like Dink Doodah, I figure he must be a fun kinda guy.' by Kara
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 6:34 AM

Today's starting well. And by well, I mean stupidly.

I was getting ready to head out the door to work, and there was a knock at the door. What knock? Why knock? This'd better be bloody important.

Some guy was standing there. 'Hey, we're here to do your windows.' What windows? Why windows? And looking at the way he was dressed and the fact that he was about 50, as well as the fact that I can't even get maintenance to fix a crack in by bathroom wall, I figured he didn't mean to wash them.

This seems like the sort of thing I'd get a little yellow notice rubber-banded to my mailbox about. Granted, there have been reports of the charming neighbourhood children yoinking letters and notices for fun. Why, I don't know, but hell.

Well, on the one hand, it's not like I can do anything about it. If they're putting in windows, they're putting in windows. On the other hand, this is probably good. Some of my windows tend to be sticky, and I'd imagine new ones would be nice for certain people with allergies.

'Oh. Okay.'

'We'll need everything about three feet away from the wall. We can get maintenance in to do that-'

'Ah ... no ... give me a minute and I'll do that.' I don't mind about basic furniture, but I'd prefer not to have maintenance -- no matter how experienced -- move my animals or expensive stuff if I can help it. That's true of anyone I don't know, really.

So I pull the sofa away from the living room window, and move the small animals away from the kitchen window, the dresser and chest of drawers away from the bedroom window, and the computer desk away from the off-


When I moved in, it took two people (and me, so that's two and a half) to move the computer desk. Now said desk has all sorts of stuff -- expensive stuff, like computers and other computer hardware that I sort of need -- all over it that it's really not convenient to move. Especially since I'm going home late tonight and won't have the time or energy to get everything back where it should be.

At this point I'm late for work, and Window-san is back with a friend. 'You ready?'

'Um, no. I can't move this.'

'We'll get another guy here to do it for you. They should be here soon, so you can go ...'

'Um ...' Okay, I really hate being That Girl, the one who throws a fit at maintenance sorts over things that can't be helped or have to be done, so I'm trying to access the logical part of my brain quickly. 'I sort of ... have to get to work ... and I'd prefer to be here when you move that stuff because it's sort of ... um ... computers.'

I dunno, is that unreasonable? Maybe I'm nuts, but when such things are being handled, I want to be there and spot and just sort of keep an eye on things. However, Window-san's friend looked at me like I'd just told him to toss himself out one of said windows.

'Okay, we'll send the maintenance guys when they get here.'


So now I'm later for work, and finally I go outside after I-dunno-how-long to see the maintenance guys just getting there. They look at me like I have no business being there. 'I, erm, would just sort of prefer to watch you guys move that.'

'It's okay, we've got it.'

'Well, I'd just prefer ...'

So I'm invited to enter my own flat again. And gee, it doesn't take that long for them to sort of move things. They were careful, but I was much gladder of being able to watch. I still don't think it's such a sin, and honestly I wish I could watch them move it back, but I do feel more secure knowing they can do it, which I wouldn't have had I just come to work and trusted them.

Yeah, I mean, how dare I care about my own stuff.

For all that, I'm really hoping the windows are unsticky and generally better when I get home ... so they can actually do some good.

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