'It's like there's a GAME SHOW in my HEAD, and I'm always WRONG!' by Kara
Friday, June 6, 2008 at 9:16 AM

Yeah, technical difficulties for a fair part of Wednesday. Basically, what happened is I tried to write a rant and it didn't actually show up. I couldn't tell what was going on, because a new file was sitting there in the 'news' folder for it. Albeit blank. I thought, okay, I'll just go in and put something on the page itself saying can't rant, will later.

Did so, and when I went to check and see if it had taken ... the page was blank.

After a fair bit, I discovered that something was wrong with FTP. Oh, I could get in, but nothing would 'write.' Which explains why I couldn't rant, why I (then) couldn't upload files, and why attempting to edit directly blanked everything out. So I went and restored the file from this lovely thing on my site's control panel. It didn't show up, so I downloaded it to have on me and poked tech support from the site.

Now, iPower's been damn good to me, as you guys know. But they must have some new hires, because the lady what handled my ticket started out explaining to me how to FTP into my site. Well, I had that, that wasn't what I was saying. Once I finally got her to understand what was up, she was quiet for a minute and then said, '... well, it's working on my end.' And closed the window.

So I called, sat on hold for 20 minutes, and finally got this lady to understand the issue. I never found out what exactly was causing it, or if it was a server-wise issue, but it was rectified that afternoon, as you saw.

Did you miss the poll?

First: I just gave myself points in the interim. / As this is a COMIC, I bore up because I could come in and read the COMIC! -- 14%
Second: OH GOD YES!!! -- 10%
Third: A little. / The poll was gone? -- 7%

Eh, I could do without since it was a technical problem. -- 2%
Nah. -- 2%
This site is nothing without the poll. Screw the comic. -- 2%

Uncreativity Penalty: -35 for poll/pole puns. Also, -20 for 'missing' in the physical sense. Come on, guys, how long have you had to rest your brains and gear up for creativity?


* 'Pirates love polls': +10, polls love pirates, too.

* 'I missed it *this* much (Why can't I qwit you, poll ? ;_; ) but it would have been so much worse if there had been no comic. Without my daily dose of sweet comic lovin', don't know how I'd muddle through.': Wow, a middle-ground. +20 for that.

* 'Ah, no more kittens need die, the poll is back.': -10, how many kittens have you killed?

* 'Missed it more than the stoplights I ran. :D': +10, fellow traffic offender (my court date's in a week and a half ... I'll pay for your points by taking -10 from the cop who gave me the ticket).

Correct Answer: 'The heavy yoke of silence fallen, creation again takes wing! So, um, er... WHEE!'

Look at that, back on my game. Hooray? If you have been, you're welcome.

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