'The day I discovered that there really IS a Sexy Jutsu is the day my soul collapsed.' by Kara
Friday, April 18, 2008 at 6:27 AM

Sheesh. I keep forgetting that Friday is poll day. Someday people are gonna come and lynch me over it.

Does your job suck?

First: My job rocks! -- 10%
Second: I'm unemployed/a student -- 10%
Third: MONEY -- 8%

YES!!! -- 5%
I want out of this job but can't find another one! -- 5%
Kinda -- 2%
Nah -- 2%
I probably shouldn't say ... -- 2%

Uncreativity Penalty: Why do you people just reword available poll options in the write-ins? -100 to everyone who did that. Oh, and -25 for all sexual jokes. Seriously, that was like every other answer.


* 'I'm a train driver. My office moves around, and each day is different (awesome.) My boss leaves me alone, and I see him about once a week on average (also awesome), but I often have to work at OMG o'clock - 3am etc. (Not so awesome)...': +30 for a pretty cool-sounding job.

* 'I get to work arround things that make other things go boom.': +25, same reason.

* 'Professional carpet cleaner? Yeah, it really sucks.': Okay, I'll give you that, you cornball. +10

* 'No, but I wish I still worked at my last job. There's no better place to be creepy than a candy store!': +10 for examples.

* 'I'm a teacher, it alternates between being the best, most rewarding job on the planet and sucking so hard it puts the vacuum of space to shame; many times during the same day!': You are Rick or Cyne ... thus I will only claim 2.5 pounds.

* 'No, but what does suck is that I can't state my company's name without attracting Internet trolls like moth to a flame.': Oh, now I have to know.

Correct Answer (and good luck wish): 'Technically, I suppose my "job" doesn't suck, but I barely work enough hours to have a good opinion on it either. Either way, hopefully, jobs will be something "other people" have one day, because I have every intention of winning the World Series of Poker.'

And you know how it goes. If you have been, vroom!

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