'No, you can't monkey someone!' 'But it's reflexive, so it would be to monkey oneself.' by Kara
Friday, March 21, 2008 at 5:27 AM

I keep forgetting when I've got days off. This is one, anyway.

Do you drink (as in alcoholic recreational beverages)?

First: Never! - 19%
Second: Yes, a lot. / Yes, only socially. / Only when pressured by friends. - 5%
Third: Yes, but never alone. / Used to, but don't now. / Only when pressured by small Asian girls. - 2%

Uncreativity Penalty: I think I headed this one off at the pass by saying that I'm talking about alcoholic beverages. I don't know who should get the credit for that - you or me. I think me. Ten points to me.


* 'I'm not nearklym drukn enough tom deal with that qeustiiin': You are my weird uncle, and I claim my five pounds.

* 'Only when plied into it by bishies or by good sake. And if both are present then watch out.': I'll trade +20 for invites to your parties.

* 'Either special occations (Such as holidays), Japanese drinking parties, or getting roaring drunk off of sake when we take the local god out for his yearly jog around the town (Ya gotta be drunk! It's Shinto!).': You get +50 just for that last bit.

* 'Just say no to soju.': Oh, damn. I don't have to do anything. This drink is so scary, it takes point away from anyone who drinks it.

* 'Only two and that's only if Sensei makes his "Little Green Ass Kickers" after a good tai kai.': +5 for a recipe.

* 'Generally, only when it involves large quantities of sake consumed in the presence of a large number of Arrancar in my service.': Bleach fan says wut? -5 because I have no idea why it's funny. Yes, I took points away from someone else referenced a show I don't watch. Life's a bitch, ain't it?

Correct Answer: 'funnel plz'

There you go. Happy Good Friday for the Westerners and those who celebrate it at all. If you have been, it took forever.

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