'Superman wears Gene Hunt pajamas.' by Kara
Watched the first episode of Ashes to Ashes last night, and I am pleased and thrilled. I have a few Co-Writers who need to get through Life on Mars so they can see this. It might be sacrilege to say this -- and so early on -- but something tells me A2A might top LoM.
I also need a particular one of the Co-Writers to help me find a pair of the Guv's awesome gloves ... in ladies' size, of course. Talk about awesome drivin' gloves. I hope you don't need the Quattro to make them look that cool.
So I went and voted in the primaries yesterday. I know I bitch about hating politics, but when you have the vote, I believe in using it. (If others don't, that's their prerog and all ... it's more a personal thing.)
Actually, I say I went and voted, but I should more like say I went and tried to vote. I've lived in the 'burg for three years, and recently I thought, you know, I really shouldn't be voting for stuff in Newport News if I don't live there ... even thought I spend the majority of my waking hours there now. So I did the responsible big-girl thing and decided to change over my voter registration info. It's been a bit of time, so I was (last I checked) still on the Newport News books. But it's a freaking national thing, so whatever.
I go in, stand in line, hand 'em my stuff ... the little old lady flips through her book and goes 'Oh ... oh dear.'
'... you're not in here, sweetie.'
I was all prepared to do my usual 'No, I am voting/drinking/whatevering age, look at my driver's license' speech. But they showed me that no, I am not on their books. So it seemed Williamsburg had finally switched me over.
Nope. Apparently I don't exist on their books, either. Even though I was good and asked nicely in the form of paperwork.
Much like US Airways, democracy now believes I don't exist.
Hooray for disenfranchisement.
Yeah, I am sorta pissed.
If you have been, I'll do it myself.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 7:25 AM
I hate when this happens.