'What's an anagram of "Masterjacksuborgsaxsonric McTennant"?' 'I dunno, but it has 'orgasm' in it somewhere.' '... wow, sure nuff.' by Kara
Well, I don't have to anyway, but it's the principle of the thing. I didn't even always get Good Friday off at Catholic school.
How many babies will Kara's guinea pig Noriko have?
First: Three -- 16%
Two/Seven/Eight -- 4%
Uncreativity Award: Anyone who said pi, e, i, or 42.
*NEW THIS WEEK* Retard Award!: Anyone who said she'd eat one or more of the babies. Guinea pig babies are born fully developed, and thus would be too crunchy, hairy, and sentient to make a nice snack.
* 'Well, the internet is telling me between 3 and 4, but why should I listen to the internet? Damn bitch gave my computer a virus.': +5 for research, +10 pity-points
* 'Don't know, but one will become Kara's mascot pet when she discovers her henshin wand.': -20 until you give me said henshin wand, at which point it becomes +20.
* 'Only one, which will be the Anti-Christ.': +10, hay-ul Satan!
* 'Noriko won't be pregnant forever, she'll just feel like she is & however many babies she has, she'll feel like she's dealing with twice as many!': +25 for truth (albeit secondhand truth, which I intend to keep that way)
* 'One huge one that will eat Jupiter': +10 if it uses it as a power source
Correct Answer: "Three shalt be the number she dost have, and the number of the piggies shalt be three. Four shalt she not have, nor either have she two, excepting that she then proceeds to three. Five is right out."
And there you have it. Thanks for playing, and try the new poll on the left. If you have been, you do it.
Friday, April 6, 2007 at 9:02 AM
The great thing about working for a company that makes half its money from a Bible Verses mailing list? I get religious holidays off ... and this year Orthodox Easter and Western Easter are on the same day, so I don't have to work in an empty office and take my day off later.
Second: Four/Five/Six -- 10%
Third: They will never be born -- she will be pregnant forever, like Bonnie Swanson on 'Family Guy' -- 6%
More than eight -- 2%