'Ooh, look at the cougar! Pretty cougar! Kimmy pet the cougAAAAAAAIGH!!!!!' by Kara
Update on Jung-Freud ... unless my guinea pig has learned to turn her stomach over at will, my lovely little girl is in the John Hurt way (go watch Coupling). At least two of them -- pigs generally have litters of 2-4. One of them is comfy generally, but the one on the right is kicking and going insane. S/he will be interesting to see after s/he is born.
On a related note, the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair refuses to let Kazumi keep 'her' name now that she has been discovered to be a dude. I'd do a poll about what to rename him, but I thing the CW with the LH is off seeing to it. Or something.
And finally, someone please come fix my shoulder.
If you have been, ow.
Monday, February 26, 2007 at 7:00 AM
Nice dinner with g'rents, cousins, weird uncle, Auntie D, and the Co-Writer with the Bluest Liver last night. Since everything was pretty well booked (and I'd wanted to go to the Melting Pot, but groups of four or less really suit me better there), it was Olive Garden. Not that that's bad necessarily ... there's calamari, and my uncle and aunt and I (and the CW with the BL, apparently) are calamari fiends.